Mark your calendars

The Westford Firefighters Pipes and Drums will once again be the guest band at the 25th Burns Night hosted by the Scots Highland Pipes and Drums. Tickets are 45.00 and can be ordered from Stuart Paul 978-537-7044 or from Al Paquin 978-870-2769
Social hour and cocktails at 6pm dinner and entertainment at 7pm.
This promises to be a fun filled evening – Special appearance by Jeremy Bell, the Knight of Toasting who will address the Haggis and present “The Immortal Memory” and will entertain with his wit, humor and fiddle. Pipes and Drums performances by the Scots Highland Pipes and Drums and the Westford Firefighters Pipes and Drums and Celtic music entertainment and dancing to the Jug O’Punch Band.
(click on image to enlarge)