Season round up

Congratualtions to our Instructor Kirk Brunson on his first place overall finish for Grade 1 at the NH Hignland Games. Congratualtions to Pipe Sgt Rick Tustin for taking part in two games this season as a Grade 4 Sr competitor, and to our Drum Major Eric Parsons who looked great in the Drum Major competition. The band continues to improve it’s performance in the competition field as was shown in our remarks. Although we may not have finished in the top 3 we gave it our best and look forward to an even better season next year.
Mark your calendars now, the 2014 Burns Dinner hosted by the Scots Highland Pipes & Drums will be held February 1, 2014 in Leominster. We have been asked again to be the guest band and to play with the Scots Highland. Please visit back often as we will continue to post information on this fun night.
Look for info on our own fundraiser for 2014. Knight’s Night 2014 will be held March 15th as we kick off what surely will be a great St Paddy’s weekend celebration.
Interested in learning the pipes or drums or already play, are you a member of the Fire/EMS/Public Safety or are you a relative of someone who is. The Westford Firefighters Pipes & Drums welcomes new members of any playing ability. See our About Us page for details on how you can join our practices.