Summer flying by
Wow August already. The band had a very successful June and July with participation at the Lowell and Westford Flag Day ceremonies on June 14th.
We proudly participated in Fourth of July parades in Raymond NH and Pepperell MA. July 4th found us in Raymond NH. We played to a very energetic and appreciative crowd the entire length of the parade route. We managed to dodge the raindrops and finished the day with a relaxing cookout at Pipe Sgt Tustin’s house. Our thanks to our hosts Rick and Ges for a nice afternoon. July 5th we were in Pepperell MA for thier parade. The crowds lined the route pretty much from start to finish. Outstanding job by the band to give those crowds a great performance through the entire route.
August sees the band getting ready for the NH Stair Climb on Sept 7th and the NH HIghland Games Sept 20th. We do however wish to say good luck to our Pipe Instructor Kirk Brunson and our Drum Instructor Cam Webster as they head across the pond to Scotland to compete with thier respective bands in the World Pipe & Drum Championships on August 15th and 16th. Good luck to both of them. For those who may have been following our Facebook page and the local news you know that Cam had his 1934 heirloom bagpipes confiscated at the U.S. Border because the mounts were made of Ivory. Cam was accompanied by another 17 year old piper from NH who also had an antique set of pipes that were also confiscated. While we strongly support the stop of poaching ivory and the importation of new products we must wonder when dealing with musician’s antique instruments where the common sense was lost considering they had documented paperwork from the U.S. Fish and Game authenticating the age of the instruments. Needless to say this caused a minor uproar in the Piping community with Wallace Bagpipes even offering to supply bagpipes to use at the Worlds. We are glad to say that both Cam and his friend did have their instruments returned to them in time to head to Scotland.
Staying closer to home we wish good luck to Pipe Sgt Tustin as he heads to the Maine Highland Games August 16th to solo compete and to Drummer Sean Brown as he heads to the Quechee Vt games August 23rd to solo compete. Good luck to both of them.
Say hi to any of our members at these events and while at Loon stop by our band tent we always like to say hello.
Stay tuned for complete wrap up of the games and updates to our photo albums and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.