Fantastic Summer comes to a close
It was a great summer of performances that culminated with a great relaxing weekend at the NH Highland Games and Festival on Sept 21-23.
August saw us performing at the Westford 4H fair on August 26th. We look forwarded to repeating this performance next year. We ended August on a sad note as we piped to his final resting place Tyler Ricard, long time friend of the Westford Fire Dept and son of Westford FF Shaun Ricard. Tyler sadly passed after a long struggle with Muscular Dystrophy.
September kicked off with the band performing in the Milford NH Labor Day parade. It was a very hot day and by all accounts the hottest parade we have ever marched in. Despite the extreme temperatures we persevered and proudly played the entire route with minimal gaps in the playing. A job well done to all who took part. On September 9th we once again proudly took part in the opening ceremonies for the NH 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb. We are honored to have been able to take part in this event since its inception.
To bring the summer to a close PM Rick Tustin and Piper John Keough took part in the Austin Prep Convocation Mass on Sept 21st, piping in the entire school classes and faculty and at the close of the Mass escorting the assembly out. This is our second time performing with Austin Prep and we are scheduled to take part again on November 1st at the Annual Blue Mass honoring public safety personnel and we will be performing next spring at the graduation ceremonies. Heading up to Loon Mountain for the NH Highland Games we ended Summer and welcomed Fall taking part in the opening ceremony on September 22nd. A fun time was had by all with a great opening ceremony, enjoying the games and having a great band supper Saturday evening at the Indian Head Resort. A great way to conclude a very busy season.
As we prepare for 2019 we still have a few events left on our schedule for 2018 as we take part in the Austin Prep Blue Mass and on November 11th to honor our Veterans we will be taking part in Veterans Day events in Winchester and Westford.