

Westford & District Pipes and Drums is a fire service pipe band made up of Public Safety personnel and civilians who support the mission of the band.

May June July Highlights

It’s been a busy two months for the band starting with the annual Westford Apple Blossom parade back on May 19th.  We followed that with Memorial Day ceremonies in Lowell and Westford.  June was the Westford Flag Day ceremony on June 14th and July we marched in Fourth of July parades in Amherst and Merrimack NH.  We capped off the month by performing on July 14th for approximately 700 members of the National Association of College and University Food Service at their closing dinner reception at Tufts University in Medford MA. Read More

May events

Now that Spring is here and St Patricks Day is behind us the Band is gearing up for a busy month of May.

Up first will be our own spin on Cinco de Mayo as we hold a band fundraiser night of fun and entertainment.  The theme of course is Irish Night with the Band, and you thought we were going to say Mexican.  The date is May 5th at the Franco American Club is Westford.  Look for more details here and on our Facebook page. Read More