Breaking news and updates
Band fundraiser a huge success and fun evening. Our thanks to all of our sponsors and supporters. We are already planning for next year stay tuned.
Breaking News – we have launched our online store. Take a look and order authentic band apparel and accessories. Purchases made online help with the operation of the band.
Upcoming events for the rest of the month –
May 19th the annual Westford Apple Blossom festival. We will be in the parade which starts at 10am in Westford Center.
May 20th we will be taking part in the Lowell Memorial Day Remembrance Event at the Lowell Cemetery 77 Knapp Ave. The event begins at 1230pm.
May 27th we will be be participating in the Westford Memorial Day events Village ceremonies begin at 9am, the main parade in the center of town will begin at noon. Please see the Westford Home page for complete details.